by Eric Hatton | Feb 11, 2016 | A Journey to Manhood, Codependent Relationships, Communication Techniques, Dependent Personality Disorder, Effective Parenting, Failure to Launch Disorders, Self-Reliance & Autonomy, Setting Healthy Boundaries
Have you ever heard the joke: HOW MANY THERAPISTS DOES IT TAKE TO CHANGE A LIGHT BULB? The answer: JUST ONE, BUT THE LIGHT BULB HAS TO WANT TO CHANGE! – There is a nugget of truth embedded in that idea, the idea that before someone will change, they must want to...
by Eric Hatton | Oct 29, 2015 | Avoidant Personality Disorder, Self-Discipline, Self-Reliance & Autonomy, Setting Healthy Boundaries
Many families have at least one member who is content to just let life happen to them instead of letting life happen for them and that means taking personal responsibility for the direction of their own life. Often this family member is a son or daughter who just...