Failure To Launch Life Coaching

Young men who have just graduated from high school or college are often in need of guidance. Perhaps they know what they want to do with their life but don’t know how to get there, or maybe they have no idea what they want out of life and need even more help in becoming a successful independent adult. Young men who come to Forte Strong for failure to launch treatment are in need of both knowledge and experience to help them navigate the adult world of work and responsibility, with the accompanying struggles and satisfaction. They need encouragement and help from someone who has walked the path before them, someone who has successfully “launched”.  This is where the coaches at Forte Strong come in. We’re proud to say that we offer individual coaching to each of our students. Each of our coaches is prepared to coach young men to success, helping them overcome failure to launch syndrome and other issues holding them back from living the life they want.

Coaching Vs. Mentoring

There is a difference between coaching and mentoring that is significant, although coaching and mentoring are often used interchangeably.

Mentoring is usually long-term and relationship based. An example of mentoring is the practice of apprenticeship. A skilled and experienced master craftsman takes on a young impressionable apprentice and teaches him the ins and outs of the craft. This mentor/apprentice relationship can go on for years as the apprentice gradually learns to master each aspect of the trade, under the guidance and encouragement of the master.

Coaching focuses more on improving performance to higher levels in the short term, which means coaches must emphasize the improvement of a specific skill set, with the aim of improving performance.

While Forte Strong’s program encompasses aspects of both mentoring and coaching for the young men who attend, the aim is to improve the life skills of each student to the level of independence. Forte Strong coaches have mastered the skills of independent living, which makes it possible for them to model and teach life skills to struggling young men. Coaches have also mastered the techniques of communicating and teaching those skills to those who are struggling to establish their identity and independence. Our coaches are able to relate to our students and form a meaningful relationship that allows the students to trust their coach and be willing and eager to learn from them.

What Does Coaching at Forte Strong Look Like?

Each student is different; some students arrive at Forte Strong, ready to learn and willing to make the effort to master independent living skills, while others arrive unwilling to learn, hoping to continue down the path of least resistance. The work that a Forte Strong life coach does depends on the needs of the young man. Students who insist on wandering down the path of least resistance are given the therapeutic space they need to learn important lessons about choices and consequences. When those students realize they need to stop wandering and start building living skills, only then can our coaches help them develop those skills. Young men who come to Forte Strong prepared to change and grow benefit from our life coaching much earlier, but regardless of where your son is at, with the support of a coach, he can make profound changes.

Young men who have failed to take on the responsibilities of adulthood may look mature, but they haven’t matured internally. Young men in this situation are skilled at disguising their immaturity to avoid the difficult and oft-times emotionally painful task of acquiring the skills of the mature adult. As a result, they avoid performance where performance would expose them to their lack of skills. Coaching is about helping others improve performance; where a student refuses to perform or will not acknowledge a need to improve, a coach cannot be effective.

Counter-intuitively, the first task of a Forte Strong coach is not to teach students life skills, it’s to help them realize and then to openly acknowledge that they need to learn those skills. Only after this realization will the student be motivated to work through the tough task of acquiring real-life skills. Then and only then can the coach effectively teach them the life-skills they need.

Regardless of the skill or experience level of the student, a Forte Strong life coach is there to coach him every step of the way… through the good and the bad; through the victories and the challenges. 6 to 9 months down the road, parents are overjoyed at the progress their son has made and excited to see him take the next big step toward adulthood outside the safe harbor of Forte Strong rush recipes. All of this is made possible through the work of the coaches at Forte Strong.

Could your young man benefit from our life coaching program? Complete our Questionnaire below, and a Forte Strong member will contact you shortly with information about our program.

*All information provided herein will be confidential and used for eligibility findings only.

Want to know more about Failure to Launch Syndrome?

Failure to launch is an epidemic that affects young adult men the world over. Recent studies suggest that over 60% of young men 18-26 still live at home with their parents, with a vast majority of these adult children facing failure to launch syndrome. The problem is so common that it was even the subject of the 2006 film “Failure to Launch” starring Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker. It’s been given many names throughout the ages: failure to launch, Peter Pan syndrome, the boomerang generation, puer aeternus, and more. Forte Strong was established specifically to address this growing problem. We want to help young men become independent and successful, and acknowledge that many young men cannot do that without the right help, guidance, and treatment.

Forte Strong’s failure to launch treatment helps young men to discover what motivates them, how to be successful, and how to feel confident in themselves and their abilities. Forte Strong recognizes the frustration and fear that these young men face day to day and our team has the experience and know-how to show them how to assume responsibility and take action to achieve independence and become their own man.

Forte Strong works with bright and capable young men who don’t know where to start, or who are stuck in a rut and need a hand to help get them back to a positive, proactive and purposeful point in their life. Forte Strong helps them get in tune with their unique strengths, skills, and talents to accomplish what they once thought was impossible. The ultimate goal is for our students to have the confidence, grit, and experience to successfully meet the challenges of life while still meeting their needs. A successful Forte Strong graduate lives on his own, has a job to provide for himself, budgets his money and time efficiently, and is able to handle the challenges that come his way confidently.

Forte Strong takes an individualized approach to treating failure to launch syndrome. Not only does your son work one-on-one with an experienced and qualified life-coach but a therapist as well to provide specific failure to launch therapy. His coach and therapist help him to develop his own blueprint for success, which he can apply over and over again, ensuring success even after he graduates. Forte Strong isn’t just a quick fix; it will set your son up for success for the rest of his life.

Forte Strong’s student selection process ensures that we only work with young men who are capable and committed to overcoming failure to launch. Forte Strong’s selection process also helps to create a cohesive, healthy and proactive environment crucial to your son’s success. At Forte Strong, we live what we teach…coaches not only explain principles of success, they demonstrate success. Graduates of Forte Strong have even returned as staff, paying it forward, proud to be teaching the skills that improved their lives when they were students.

If your son is experiencing serious failure to launch setbacks related to ADHD, depression, social anxiety, low self-esteem, mood instability, video game addiction, codependency and other related issues surrounding failure to launch syndrome we encourage you to learn more about Forte Strong’s failure to launch treatment program. Don’t let another day go by waiting to get the help you need now. Call us at (866) 763-7033.