Kaye Fordham

Administrative Assistant

My Top 5 Strengths:

1. Integrity

2. Creativity

3. Communication

4. Authenticity

5. Growth-Oriented

My Bio:

Born and raised in Southern Utah, Kaye excelled in her educational pursuits attending Dixie State University throughout high school and graduating with her Associate’s of Science with an emphasis in Humanities and Art a year early. She loves to be creative and productive in all her endeavors, bringing forth a fierce standard of integrity and accountability in all areas of her life!

Kaye has spent the last six years specializing in Southern Utah vacation rentals for real estate, and is applying all her skills and knowledge from her time doing administrative work to this position at Forte Strong. Kaye loves to paint/ draw, kayak, read, and spend quality time with her loved ones above all else!

With a passion to organize and create efficient systems, Kaye displays commitment and enthusiasm to do her work well and right, going above and beyond to make her impact on the company in a positive and future-oriented manner!