Forte Strong Assessments
Is it possible for you to get to know your son on a level you never knew existed? Absolutely. We help you understand him in a new way while also helping him see you in a different light. Can you imagine a son who respects, admires and understands the unique traits and attributes he carries with him? The answer is YES!
As I’m sure you are well aware at this point, addressing Failure to Launch Syndrome is not an easy fix. It takes careful planning, training and a clear understanding of the young adult psyche and the specific issues that cause ‘failure to launch’. My job as a coach is to get to know your son personally; what he likes, what he doesn’t like, his dreams, goals and desires, his communication style, his strengths and innate talents and what really drives him as a person. I take great measures to understand your family’s needs and go from there. Don’t be fooled, it’s going to take work… lot’s of work. The good news is I’ve done this many times before and I have the training and experience to back it up. Our assessments start the first day your son arrives. Why so soon? Well, you’ve been able to get to know your son for over 18 years… I only have 6 to 9 months. I accomplish this monumental task in 3 ways.
1. I look to you as parents for valuable feedback during our weekly parent phone calls.
2. I utilize proven assessments that allow me to get to know all the little facets of your son.
3. I take the time to create a deep and meaningful relationship with your son that’s built on trust & respect.
At Forte Strong we utilize 4 core assessments that help us identify your son’s unique strengths, core motives, personality type and individual purpose and mission for his life. With these tools I can catch up on 18+ years giving me the opportunity to understand your son on a level that allow us to help promote change and ultimately help him achieve independence. These assessments, if used correctly, have been proven to be a pivotal tool in discovering your son’s pattern of behavior, his unique talents, traits and attributes. As your son continues to grow and develop throughout his life, so will his attributes, characteristics and unique strengths. Understanding your son’s uniqueness along with his purpose and mission is just one of the ways we help him unlock his potential, achieve independence and become a man.
MOTIVES: (ColorCode©)
The ColorCode is a 20 – 25 minute assessment that was developed by Dr. Taylor Hartman, a noted author, psychologist and leadership coach who suffered a devastating accident in 1986 that left him without any memory of his wife, his family or his self-identity. Not understanding who he was, Dr. Hartman had to find a way to reconnect with himself and his family again. He developed the ColorCode as a way to do that. Dr. Hartman then shared his unique color-code system with the world and allowed others to connect, communicate and understand themselves and others in a whole new way, drastically increasing the quality of their relationships. Dr. Hartman teaches that their are 4 core motives that represent 4 core colors… Red, Blue, White and Yellow. Unlike the Strengthsfinder assessment, Dr. Hartman understood that everything has it’s direct opposite. He teaches that each of these 4 core motives or colors come with their own individual strengths and limitations and by understanding each people can become aware of how their core motive can either benefit or destroy their lives. To learn more about The ColorCode, visit or CLICK HERE!
FACT: Did you know Forte Strong has been certified to teach the ColorCode System? We’re trained to teach the ColorCode© system to students and parents.
Why is understanding your motive so important? Because your motive is the engine that makes you go and understanding your motive helps you understand what drives you, what drives others and how to best relate, understand and work with others who may have a different or same motive as you. In fact, out of all the assessments we do at Forte Strong, the ColorCode assessment is by far the simplest to understand and apply to your son’s daily life right away. It’s common for our students to become so familiar with the techniques and science behind the ColorCode system that they can understand and apply the system in under a week. In just a few days, your son is able to identify his parents color (core motive) along with the core motive of his coaches and roommates. It’s great for parents and families too! By understanding you and your son’s core motive you can more easily foster and maintain a deep relationship with him and your other children and it allows him to more easily create a healthier relationship with you.
STRENGTHS: (Strengthsfinder)
Strengthsfinder 2.0 is a 30 – 40 minute online assessment that was developed by Dr. Donald O. Clifton who is considered to be the Father of Strengths-Based Psychology. Every coach and student at Forte Strong takes the Strengthsfinder assessment and we encourage parents to take it as well. Coaches and students take this assessment to help them discover what their top 5 strengths are. Once your son finds out what his top 5 strengths are his personal coach helps him identify and better understand those strengths, how to take action on those strengths and use them more effectively, as well as how to work with other students and coaches with different strengths and talents. To learn more about Strengthsfinder 2.0 visit or CLICK HERE!
FACT: Did you know your son’s top 5 strengths can be his top 5 weaknesses? It’s true.
Why is there so much emphasis at Forte Strong placed on your son’s strengths as opposed to his weaknesses? The answer is simple. Investing in your son’s strengths is just plain smart. Focusing on what he’s good at produces faster and far greater results toward his independence than focusing on his weaknesses. Why? Because when you fixate on improving your weaknesses and deficiencies as opposed to your strengths and talents you inherently take the path of most resistance. In essence, you’re putting more energy into what you’re bad at instead of what you’re naturally good at. Not only is that approach a complete energy waster but let’s face it, it’s overwhelming depressing. Think about it. Is there any wonder why your son is depressed? In fact I bet if you asked him what he’s bad at he could probably spend the next 30 minutes describing his deficiencies in detail. Now ask him what he’s good at and watch what happens. Is there any wonder why he chooses to spend countless hours gaming? I’m assuming he’s good at it, maybe even boastful about it. I’m not suggesting you encourage him to become better at video games… I’m suggesting you help him uncover the other talents and skills that he’s good at, hidden underneath the surface. At Forte Strong we do just that. We help your son discover all the things he’s naturally good at that can help him achieve independence and success. One of the ways in which we accomplish this monumental task is with the help of Strengthsfinder 2.0.
Forte Strong uses the Truity assessment (MBTI adaptation) specifically because Truity has continued to develop and hone the MBTI process by incorporating recent and updated psychological data into the metrics. Truity describes each personality type in detail by explaining what makes each personality type tick, how to recognize that type in others as well as how the type affects your work. Your son will discover a list of different career fields that may be best suited for him as well as career fields that he may want to avoid, depending on his type. Truity also goes into detail about how your son’s personality type can positively or negatively affect his relationships by explaining the communication style for that type as well as what that type needs in a healthy relationship. To sum it all up, the Truity type assessment allows your son to better understand himself, others and his unique career paths. To learn more about the Truity Personality Type Assessment, visit or CLICK HERE!
Why are personalities types so helpful? Well, unlike Strengthsfinder (Strengths) and The ColorCode (Motive) which are more one dimensional in their approach, the Truity Personality Type assessment is 4 dimensional. This assessment discovers your affinity toward one of two areas within the 4 dimensions of personality, which when combined, gives your son a unique personality type. There’s a total of 16 different personality types, all based on the work of Katherine Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Myers. Briggs and Myers took the work of Carl Jung, a profound psychologist in the early 1900’s and founder of Analytical Psychology, and developed it into an easy to understand metric that was so practical that any average American could use and understand it. Meyers and Briggs first developed the Myers and Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) during WWII as a way to help American women, who were now entering the workforce, to better understand what specific jobs or career fields would be best suited for them.
PURPOSE: (FranklinCovey)
The FranklinCovey Mission Statement Builder is a 45 to 60 minute assessment that helps identify and uncover your son’s hidden value system. What’s so important about that? Everything! Our values are the internal compass of our lives. When we live a a life that is inline with our values we are naturally happier, healthier and more effective. By understanding our values we can navigate through storms of life and remaining on course instead of becoming lost at sea (no ambition or motivation) or worse, shipwrecked (consequences of bad choices). Your missions statement can be a few words or a few paragraphs, depending on the person. To learn more about the Franklin Covey Mission Statement Builder, visit or CLICK HERE!
Franklin Covey is one of the foremost leaders in personal development and leadership in the last 20 years. They are best known for teaching people how to become more effective through their unique time-management practices and are also known for helping people become more effective leaders in their homes, at work and in their communities by first understanding what’s most important to them. FrankilnCovey does this by uncovering what your son’s personal value system is. They do this by asking a series of questions that help bring his hidden unknown values to the surface where they can then be worked on and applied to his daily life