Prepare for the day!
You make a grocery list don’t you? At Forte Strong we make one for each day so that we can maximize our time and get things done! A typical day at Forte Strong depends on the schedule of each of our students. We foster planning the night before so that the following day, we know what needs to be accomplished. Below would be an example of our students’ typical weekday:
- Wake up and start the day!
- Prepare breakfast (healthy eating habits)
- Plan a “snapshot” of the day (time management / planning)
- Meet with your personal trainer (physical fitness)
- Some students attend classes at DSC, SUU, or UofU (education/career/vocation)
- Go to work / apprenticeship / internship (experiential education/vocation)
- Stop by Forte Strong HQ for personal success coaching (goal-setting /skill development)
- Run errands if needed (free time)
- Return home for dinner (healthy eating habits)
- Cook/Eat together with the Forte Strong Family (every Sunday)
- Debrief the day/group & mentor questions (communication / socializing)
- Study/Personal time/Skill development (skill development)
- Clean / Organize / and plan for tomorrow (balance / planning)
Prepare for the weekend!
Example of our students’ typical weekend:
- Plan a weekend challenge activity (planning / leadership)
- Attend weekend challenge activity (experiential education/socializing/leadership/physical activity)
- Be responsible for staying within budget, logistics and transportation arrangements, implementing safety plan and emergency preparedness, first-aid protocol, task and duty delegation, food preparation, leading and guiding activity.
This schedule can and will vary depending on activities, meetings, work, service and school schedules. We all have different schedules but we teach personal time management skills so time is used both efficiently and wisely. All of our students are completely independent within 4 to 6 months.